Orthopedic services
- specialist orthopedic visits
- evaluations and recommendations for further investigations: Roentgen (X-ray) Radiation, Ultrasound (US), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Computerized Tomography (CT) images and more
- consultancy for physiotherapy treatments and surgeries
- ultrasound tissue diagnostics
- we recommend in the field of orthopedics and sports medicine
- we recommend for treatment methods for joint damage and degenerative alterations of the joints and spine
- we give second opinions and opinions on the course of the given treatment
- we perform joint infiltrations with corticosteroids, hialuronic acid
- we perform joint punctions and US guided removal of shoulder calcifications
- we perform treatment of tendons, muscles and articulations with platellet rich plasma (PRP): (RegenKit - THT, RegenLab®)
- we perform joint infiltrations with combination of platellet rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (Cellular Matrix A-CP HA Kit, RegenLab®)
- infiltrations with stem cells collected from bone or fat tissue
- joint and soft tissues infiltrations with amniotic membranes (Amniofix®)
- we recommend treatment of bone-fractures with low intensity ultrasound (MELMAK®)
- counseling in the choice of foot-plantar, braces and postural treatment
*The checkups can be performed in Slovene, Italian, Serbo-croat or English language.
Platelet Rich Plasma Amniotic Membranes Stem Cells MELMAK Shoulder calcification aspiration