About us

The private specialist clinic Bisturmed started operating in 2012. In the outpatient clinics’ in Koper we do perform specialized orthopaedic outpatient check-ups and we provide physiotherapy services. We perform specialist orthopaedic examinations and advise on appropriate diagnostic and future treatment methods. In addition, appropriate surgical methods of treatments are also proposed. We perform ultrasound (US) examinations of soft tissues, punctures and joint infiltrations, and ultrasound guided aspiration of calcification depositions in shoulders. We are specialized in biological methods of treating joints and tendinopathy by using platelet rich plasma (PRP), mesenchymal stem cells or amniotic membranes. We perform several methods of physiotherapy: various individual manual techniques, global postural therapy and shock waves therapy (ESWT). In physiotherapy, we use the latest high energy HIL LASER and perform TECAR therapy. We provide postural analysis with G.P.S. video system, we perform measurements of joint mobility and advise in the choice of foot orthopaedic inserts and braces.
We launched a cooperation agreement with the private insurance company Adriatic Slovenica and for their clients we perform orthopaedic examinations and carry out physiotherapy. Orthopaedic examinations and physiotherapy are also performed for patients who have a higher-standard insurance at Triglav Insurance Company and other private insurance companies.
In 2017, in collaboration with the insurance company Adriatic Slovenica, we became the Olympic Reference Sports Medical Centre of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia and thus perform orthopaedic examinations and physiotherapy for categorized top athletes.


Director: Ph.D. Bogdan Ambrožič, Orthopedic Surgeon


Clinic Hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 4:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Checkups can be occasionaly done on other days of the week.
Consult the timetable.

Informations and office hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 4:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

The checkups and physiotherapy can be performed in Slovene, Italian, Serbo-croat or English language.

VAT number: 45946833
Registration number: 6206786000
C/A:  IBAN SI56 3000 0002 0922 451 N Banka d.d.
         IBAN, IBAN SI56 0400 0027 6833 770 Nova KBM d.d.

as krogec     oks krogec    triglav krogec

Dates of the orthopaedic clinic: (4p.m. – 8p.m.)

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tecar     ESWT ENG  hiil laser    vaje ENG     PRPtera      maticne ENG





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